The piece is inspired by the poem below:
Layers of sand seep
as water washes upon the barren shores
as time waste by in sorrowful cries
absence weighs heavily
in the hollow of a grieving heart,
in the empiness of yesterday's home
remain remains
from your resounding whispers
that i am ready for tomorrow..
Remains Remain was presented as part of NUS Arts Festival 2012 – Solo/Duet
World Premiere: March 2012, NUS Arts Festival 2012 – Solo/Duet, NUS University Cultural Centre Theatre, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Latest Local Performance: April 2015, Triple Bill by Sun Shang-Chi, Xing Liang & Jeffrey Tan, SOTA Drama Theatre, School of the Arts Singapore
Jeffrey Tan
Music Composer
Tze Toh
Brain Gothong Tan
Voice artiste or narrator
Yukiko Maria Ceilia Mizushima
Poem by
Iaan Subhan
Jessica Christina, William Wu
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